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Xbox Live XBOX360 Tournament Open To Any Teams

i am a representative from mywwig.com, and we are hosting a tournament open to everyone from beginner to expert. here is one of our flyersblackops2email.jpg if your community wishes to participate here are the following instructions
(all members that wish to participate must follow these instructions)
*There is no limit on how many teams a community/clan can have…the more the better.
1. Go to www.eliteclanwars.com
2. Register and create an account on ECW
3. For team captains, you must click on the teams tab to create your team; then click create team and follow those instructions.
4. For members that are going to join the team; click on teams; search for your team, then click join team. (You will need a password that your team captain has created in order to join)
5. Once you have done that, team captains must click on the black ops 2 dog tags. There is blue lettering that says “register team.” Click open and register your team. Then you are finished
Good Luck to everyone,
Any issues or concerns contact lastlegacy2013@gmail.com

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