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Anyone else experiencing FPS drops in Zombies?


I am experiencing framerate drops and they are brutal. I have turned off everything my end to help performance. I've even set everything graphics wise in the game to basic and it still happens. Sometimes I will drop as low as 7 frames and it makes everything so much harder. I cannot go into tier 2 as it is a death sentence.

Is anyone else suffering this issue? Like is it a game thing or is it me? I don't have my game on my SSD due to lack of space but this issue started in the last week. I've had the game nearly around 3 weeks and the first 2 weeks were perfect. I know this isn't a hardware help forum. I was just curious to see if others are having similar issues?


I am experiencing framerate drops and they are brutal. I have turned off everything my end to help performance. I've even set everything graphics wise in the game to basic and it still happens. Sometimes I will drop as low as 7 frames and it makes everything so much harder. I cannot go into tier 2 as it is a death sentence.

Is anyone else suffering this issue? Like is it a game thing or is it me? I don't have my game on my SSD due to lack of space but this issue started in the last week. I've had the game nearly around 3 weeks and the first 2 weeks were perfect. I know this isn't a hardware help forum. I was just curious to see if others are having similar issues?
i am having same issue on warzone since the update

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