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Xbox Live Looking for a mature UK clan/community

Hello there,

I'm 46 and have been running forums for many years, but I have found that vary few of my members play call of duty and this leads me looking for a clan/community for mature gamers where I can join in some cod games and have some banter!

I have pre-ordered infinite warfare but like most not interested in that, I am really looking forward to getting back onto COD4 remastered and really would like to find a group ideally from the UK that I can join..

If you are recruiting or can recommend such clan/community please either post here or PM your suggestions..

Ps, I'm brand new here and this is my first post!


redemptiongaming.net just sign up put mikeyy247 as a referral we play cod every day night we have also all preordered infinite warfare
If you find a mature clan to join let me know, I'm 55 and looking forward to MW remastered and would like a group to play with as well, I'm going to try and split my time with destiny so it wouldn't be full time.

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