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Road To 100 Begins Now!! [LIVE]

Call Of Duty Ghosts live multiplayer gameplay in the form of a road to 100 live commentaries by the end of this Call of duty year. We are kicking it off with the first episode on the map Chasm. (Class Loadout Below)

Primary Weapon: Remington R5
Primary Attachments: Red Dot Sight, Muzzle Break
Secondary Weapon: N/A
Secondary Attachments: N/A
Lethal: N/A
Tactical: N/A
Perks: Quick Draw, Stalker, Ready Up, Amplify, Focus
Streaks: Sleight Of Hand, Scavenger, Hardline, Ping, Off The Grid, Blast Shield, Resilience

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKR88jI8734

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