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PSN Looking for clan on MWR.

Hello guys I'm looking for a clan on MWR I've been playing cod since Cod4 and have always loved the game and have been fairly good. I have a 1.18 K/D ATM and am currently 5th prestige. I have been in clans before but they always tend to die out after the newest game comes out. I know it's hard to find people who still play MWR ATM since WWII is coming soon but I doubt I'll get it right away so if anyone wants to start a small clan with me or already has a small clan looking for more members just to play or looking for someone who's done the tournament scene let me know bc I've played it all. I'm a pretty good rusher for the most part and a great defender when using an LMG on objectives. Also a decent sniper. So let me know who's interested in adding me and we can talk. Thanks for halls time reading this


Hello guys I'm looking for a clan on MWR I've been playing cod since Cod4 and have always loved the game and have been fairly good. I have a 1.18 K/D ATM and am currently 5th prestige. I have been in clans before but they always tend to die out after the newest game comes out. I know it's hard to find people who still play MWR ATM since WWII is coming soon but I doubt I'll get it right away so if anyone wants to start a small clan with me or already has a small clan looking for more members just to play or looking for someone who's done the tournament scene let me know bc I've played it all. I'm a pretty good rusher for the most part and a great defender when using an LMG on objectives. Also a decent sniper. So let me know who's interested in adding me and we can talk. Thanks for halls time reading this
Add my pan GarveyIsgod

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