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Good morning everyone. I was wondering if anybody knew which version digital version of Cold War you need to purchase in order to get it for PS4 and still be able to download again for PS5 when it comes out? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Staff member
Good morning everyone. I was wondering if anybody knew which version digital version of Cold War you need to purchase in order to get it for PS4 and still be able to download again for PS5 when it comes out? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Here is an FAQ of that.


I can't believe they're not doing a free upgrade if you buy the P4 version. Marvels Avengers is giving me a free upgrade to the P5 version. So, I won't be playing Cold War until at least the P5 comes out....


PC Gamer: Nearly Dangerous
I can't believe they're not doing a free upgrade if you buy the P4 version. Marvels Avengers is giving me a free upgrade to the P5 version. So, I won't be playing Cold War until at least the P5 comes out....
I looked at this and immediately thought, "but they are doing a cross gen version", until I read your post a second time and spotted the word FREE. Yes, if 1 dev can launch a game with free Cross Gen support, then others should be able to do it too.

100% with you on this.
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