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remove white finder

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hello to all community.

I'm Gabriele, I'm glad to be a member of this forum.
I'm really passionate of all COD games, from COD 1, specially MW & Vanguard.

I've a question if you can help me, is it possible to remove the white finder (below in the screen highlighted in yellow), that automatically the game is showing on the screen when you are holding a gun?
May will be more difficult, but sure I think the game is more realist without it.

Hope you can help me,
thanks a lot for support



I've missed to tell you that I'm playing with mouse & keyboard

Let me know if you can help me.

I can't seem to find that in my games.... Is this in Softcore? It's not in Hardcore as I have found (I only play Hardcore so I don't know how it works in softcore ) ... Only thing I can see is that you get a white circle on things you can interact with ( doors and such ), but no finder of any sorts!
Is it on all weapons you use?
Normal play or Zombies?


I can't seem to find that in my games.... Is this in Softcore? It's not in Hardcore as I have found (I only play Hardcore so I don't know how it works in softcore ) ... Only thing I can see is that you get a white circle on things you can interact with ( doors and such ), but no finder of any sorts!
Is it on all weapons you use?
Normal play or Zombies?

thanks for information.

Its the standard viewfinder that game usually provide with all weapons (see picture below from Campaign first round). This is not linked to any specific weapons.
I'm playing the Campaign.

I thought there was a combination of keycaps, from keyboard, we ca use to remove it, but I really don't know how can do.

As you know, there is a way into the game option, to remove it?


viewfinder campaign.JPG
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