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Recent content by KhaosKid21

  1. KhaosKid21

    Anyone else having problems finding MOuntain Dew/Doritos Codes?

    What exactly are these codes used for?
  2. KhaosKid21

    XMG should be nerfed.

    this gun is a very hard weapon to use unless you have a good camping spot and you are in lock-down mode OR you are in close range
  3. KhaosKid21

    R.I.P BAL 27

    i also use the asm1 its a very good weapon
  4. KhaosKid21

    R.I.P BAL 27

    I use the kf5 as usual with rapid fire its pretty badass
  5. KhaosKid21

    Looking At Prices For Game and All DLC

    advanced warfare is worth every penny
  6. KhaosKid21

    Call of Duty: Siege/Urban Assault

    very well done
  7. KhaosKid21

    How To Unlock Zombies In Aw

    While there is not a full Zombies map in the launch version of Advanced Warfare, you can still get a peek at some Zombies gameplay if you play a bunch of Exo Survival. Unlocking new maps in Survival requires that you play a certain amount of waves in each of the map tiers. Complete 50 waves on...
  8. KhaosKid21

    Advanced Warfare's campaign can be beaten in 5 hours

    Exactly i only played single player long enough to learn how to boost in mid-air and the i went straight to multiplayer
  9. KhaosKid21

    Best gun in Advanced Warfare's multiplayer?

    my fav weapons are the Kf5 and the MORS Silver Bullet
  10. KhaosKid21

    Ps3 Names Anyone?

    :):):):):)My psn is KhaosKid21 add me and reply with your psn so others can add you too
  11. KhaosKid21


  12. KhaosKid21

    Im also from South Carolina

    Im also from South Carolina
  13. KhaosKid21

    Here's what the Red Baron exo-suit looks like

    if you check out my thread you can get the jack boots to go with it
  14. KhaosKid21

    Who has the rarest guns

    These are all the elite and professional guns I have. XMG Bread and Butter MORS Silver Bullet -SAC3 Pain and Suffering -SN6 Executioner -Ak12 Finger Trap
  15. KhaosKid21

    What's your highest killstreak in Advanced Warfare?

    I always get all my killstreaks but the highest killstreak is always a bombing run or a system hack. but i went 15-1 one game