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Recent content by MUTTWEE79

  1. M

    Gigantic updates made by mentally retarded people

    Totally agree my friend. What do we get exactly for these inordinately huge updated? Anew gun? Whoope doo. got "yawned" at for having the audacity to complain of the stupidly excessive updates by the "owner/staff of this forum.
  2. M

    Warzone Updates

    "*yawn*" not sarcasticat all obvs... like I said casual player.. not really following every tweet/facey/ social medial balls so might of missed the "warning". Just wanna get on and play when I'm off and not have to wait AGAIN for the update. Fuckin "yawn"
  3. M

    Warzone Updates

    Sneaky updates are really annoying. Not played for a few days due to working. Come to play tonight and got a wait 2-4 hours for update so I can play online. WTF. Honestly love the game but as a casual player looking forward to playing after a few days in work its a bit of a pisser to log on...
  4. M

    Warzone Updates

    Updates are taking the piss!!!!
  5. M

    Updates are a JOKE!!

    Updates are a JOKE!!