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Recent content by TGxSUGARCOOKIEx

  1. T

    Xbox Live DGC is recruiting

    Hello!! My name is TGxSUGARCOOKIEx and Dissension Gaming is now recruiting! We are forum based with game nights, tourneys, giveaways, contests all in a friendly, fun atmosphere with someone always to team up with but we break our community into Battalions (by game: Halo, Ghosts, BO2, BF4...
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    Xbox Live Pro League Gaming NOW RECRUITING (XBOX360)

    [PLG]Pro League Gaming is a new online clan for casual XBL gamers that enjoy Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and Black ops 2. WE are looking for like minded individuals to join us. We are not focused on the number on our titles, Clan Ops, Challenges or being on the top 100 Clans. We are about...