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Search results

  1. rgiova20

    Raise a toast...

    I just wanted to say, here's to the game that changed it all. For better or worse Call of Duty forever changed after this game launched and there's no going back now. While it's not my personal favorite I respect what COD4 achieved and think that objectively it's the best in the series. So...
  2. rgiova20

    COD Copy and Paste

    I'm sure some of you have heard about this so called "news." What do you guys think about it? Is it lazy? Is it a homage? Does one little detail like this not really matter against the whole big picture? That last choice is my personal opinion but I want to hear what you guys think!
  3. rgiova20

    Oldschool Player Here

    Hey everyone, Longtime COD fan here, since the early days of the franchise. Before it was even a franchise! My favorites are the early games of course. The feeling of playing COD for the first time is a feeling I've been trying to recreate ever since. You just knew you were playing something...