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  1. S

    Multi VoiD Clan Recruitment

    Ok, that's good for me anyway because i dont really have a lot of time right now and i have school tomorrow but tomorrow night i should be able to play for sure, I will message you if plans change. and what game mode do we play TDM, SnD, Hardpoint, etc. just wondering ahead of time.
  2. S

    Multi VoiD Clan Recruitment

    ok, i added you on xbox, I am 15 and turning 16 in just about a month, when will we be doing this tryout, today, tommorow?
  3. S

    Multi VoiD Clan Recruitment

    ok so how many people are on the team and what are the qualifications and everything, and do you have a website?
  4. S

    Multi VoiD Clan Recruitment

    ok im on xbox what is your gamertag?
  5. S

    Multi VoiD Clan Recruitment

    Hey i would like to join but am i too late because it is January 4th today?