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Search results

  1. B

    Xbox Live Looking for a community

    haha well I'll be at my xbox tonight I will pop by and you'll have to show me the ropes! just didnt want to inconvenience anyone
  2. B

    Xbox Live Looking for a community

    Hey Everyone, Xbox player here and I'm looking for a community to join that likes to get together and play some games. I'm 32, I'm very active on Warzone at the moment. I usually play solo and that is getting really old. I'm looking for a place where I would be able to join up and play with...
  3. B

    Multi Looking for Clan/Players

    Hey Everyone, I'm looking for a clan or group of people who are consistent. I'm 32 years old, on almost every night and real chill. Looking for people to regularly play with, maybe some competition down the road ( I'm not good enough lol ) If it matters, currently I have 65 wins in warzone and...