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  1. MLG ArkAngel

    Multi Detroit Bears

    Are you a passionate gamer looking for a chance to compete at the highest level? Do you dream of being part of an esports team that's destined for greatness? Look no further than the Detroit Bears! We're a brand new esports team seeking founding members to help us build a team that will shake up...
  2. H

    Multi Hardcord clans

    Hi guys New here I'm looking for a hardcore clan as I'm finding I'm the only player that's going for the win and it's getting really boring playing solo We play hardpoint, domination and headquarters Our gamer tag is Hawkins 1995
  3. Mifune-Kurosawa

    Multi Fujiwara-uji (Ronin) Recruitment

    Looking for Objective based players on PSN MW2. Have to able to play objective, hold their own, use a mic and communicate. If you specialize in any field, taking down killstreaks, using support based killstreaks, run and gun, launchers, knives and or shield maiden play. That’s a plus, the more...
  4. D

    Multi ICON Gaming is recruiting New Members

    We are currently expanding and are looking for ssome new recruits. We have a solid base of players that play Call of Duty Modern Warfare. We are looking for competitive and casual players, people that are streaming or want to learn how to stream, warzone and blood money aka plunder. We also do a...