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Multi ᵀᵉᵃᵐ 〆 C L I M A X is Recruiting!


Clan Name: ȻŁḯḾǞẊ

Regions: NA, EU, AS, SA, OCE.

Platforms: Mobile, Controller, Emulator.

Clan Focus: MP: Clanwars - Ranked - Casual/Fun - Any | BR: Scrims&Tourneys - Clan Wars - Ranked - Casual/Fun - Any

Clan Requirements: Must be willing to work as a team. - Must be driven to be the best! - Must speak English - Must be an active player. - Must Actively use Discord!

About: We do weekly events. - We do scrims & inners. - Chill and Funny team. - Social to post clips on. - Super Active clan.

Team Climax Info: We like to have some coaches, who basically train the new players and such, and or people who just want a challenge. - We like to compete in tournaments and like to play for fun, we do have giveaways from time to time.

Discord Server Join Code: XSStye76af

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