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Co-op (SPEC OPS)


The spec ops modes are fairly easy; I'd gotten 3 stars on day one with the new one and the old ones I'd beaten on the same time frame aswell. I don't get any satisfaction after beating it and having to do that weekly compared to the Original MW2 Spec-ops whereas in the Echo missions playlist it'd take almost an eternity to collect 3 stars on all those missions! I mean lets take that mission Body Count from the Original MW2; that was an insanely fun mission to me and compared to these new Spec-Ops in this remastered version you don't even need to break a sweat to complete it. You could almost say alot of people never collected all the stars in that Original MW2 Spec-Ops but thats only a guess. Would love to see ALOT more missions or atleast 10 in total, regardless if they are just remakes of the Original MW2 Spec-Ops. I'd love to play a Body Count remaster

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