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Discord and Game chat at the same time


I can't find anything using google so I was hoping someone could answer here. I play with a friend and use Discord for communicating. He doesn't like to be in the game chat listening to everyone else. I would like to be able to communicate with him while also listening to the rest of the team. I can use them both at the same time since I'm on a PC but don't want the team to hear me when talking with my friend. Can I turn the mic off just for the in game chat?
mic mute 2.png

Looking at the image you could turn Voice Chat off,
Game Voice Channel to Friends (handy if your buddy in Discord is in your friend list)
Last Words Voice Chat to off,
Proximity Chat to off,
You could also set Microphone Mode to Press Button so you dont accidentally talk ingame at all unless you push the assigned key.

These are just my thoughts on this. Hope it helps.


Thank you. I love the detail. I thought about the push to talk feature but wasn't sure if it would make it push to talk for Discord also. We talk a lot and just trying to be able talk with him with an open mic and not have everyone in the game hear me wondering who the hell I'm talking to. (Figured I'd ask this question while at work so that I would be prepared when I get out) I will try the push feature and hope it works. Thank you again!
Report back to let us know if it all worked out ok for you. If it works it lets others know if they need that help!


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