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Warzone Download size on PS4

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Dr Udloko

Hi Everyone i am a die hard Xbox user and have been for years, i have tried to download warzone on my sons PS4 and the download size is ridiculous. At least on Xbox you can delete the elements of the game you dont use (Campaign and Co-op) but on PS4 you have to have everything. It gets better after downloading it all last week the season 3 updates came along Xbox downloaded fine roughly 20GB yet on the PS4 we had 105GB of free space and it would not download because there was not enough free space.
Am i doing something wrong its almost as if its downloading the whole game again ? My friend who is also on PS4 had the exact same issue last night.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Season Three on PS4 download size is 11.6GB. You or your friend need to delete at least that much off your harddrive, or at least delete another game. After you download the update, the game will try to re-copy the game files from the disc or installation file.

And, no, Xbox isn't better just because it has options to cut everything up in parts. The download size is almost the same. I think I read 13.6GB.

Dr Udloko

I understand what you are saying but I had over 100gb free and it still wouldn't download. My friend called me last night and said be was struggling with 80gb free space.
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