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Warzone Enemies rage quit mid-execution (no loot)?

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So there are a good amount of enemies who will quit the game the moment you execute them. Which results in the execution visuals being stopped and the enemy simply disappearing. And usually their dead bodies not leaving loot behind.

I am wondering if these people who rage quit mid execution do it because they want to take away the winning players glory moment? Or do they do it as their way to deny you their high value loot as revenge? Whatever the reason, I feel these kinds of players do it out of spite because they can't accept a loss and let another person win. I feel anyone who is ready to quit that fast is def doing it on purpose and for the sole purpose of taking away the glory moment from the person who killed them.

I hope Activision set something up where quitting / play again is disabled while being executed. If it is disabled and these sore losers are quitting mid execution by turning off their game console / PC, or force quit, then I guess nothing you can do there. But at least they should keep the losers body still in game rather than disappearing, and letting the winning player see the entire execution. And anyone who quits mid game for any reason should have all their loot drop on the floor. So they have no ability to deny a winning player loot by rage quitting.
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