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Multi Fool's Brain Gaming now Recruiting!


FOOL’S BRAIN Gaming is now recruiting!

FOOL’S BRAIN is looking for mature gamers to join our community on Black Ops 4. Beyond BO4, we are even more interested in gamers who want to join a long-term community and engage with us over multiple games, genres and platforms.

FOOL’S BRAIN is a gaming community built by the gamers, for the gamers. We are a new community built by a group of experienced leaders from multiple gaming clans and all walks of life that weren’t happy with the status quo of current gaming organizations. We believe that it is possible to have a large community and maintain a tight-knit feel through a focus on empowering you, the gamer to accomplish your goals; be it having a successful stream or dominating the newest raid.

We currently sport and active player base in games ranging from League of Legends to World of Warcraft and host weekly events including in-house custom games, raids, ranked flex and many more. We welcome members from all walks of life and if you are looking for an active community with a diverse player base then FOOL’S BRAIN is the place for you.

Join our discord server to learn more!


If FOOL’S BRAIN seems like the kind of community you're interested in, shoot me a message on Discord (OCDxAngel#6571), PSN (OCDxAngel) or leave a comment.

Our clan uses the Discord app to communicate effectively. Download it at https://discordapp.com and join our server.

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