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Friends Montage

So here's the deal. My buddy made a CoD montage with clips from all of his friends. He's been working on it for over a month. Now, before I link you, let me tell you what he had to go through to make it.

He didn't have a capture card at the time (he does now) so he had to get all the clips in theater mode and upload them to youtube. Then he had to make the video private and download the clip from youtube. After that he went through the typical editing you expect for a montage.

He DOES have a capture card now though, so quality is very improved, and will be so in the future videos.

Now that you know what it took to make, and why the quality is less than desirable, is the link.

Friendship aside I just feel that someone who is willing to go through that much work to make something is exactly what the youtube gaming community needs. He doesn't care about what it gets him, he wants to make it enjoyable for the viewer.


Staff member
*Claps* Hats off to your friend, man. His shots are very good. I look forward to more videos from him. :)

One of these days he's going to be more popular. If he keeps this up.
Thanks Carlos. Actually not all of these were him, some were, but not all. This was a montage for his friends clips. For example I got the ladder shot to collateral @ 0:41

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