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Xbox Live GFG Is Recruiting And We Want You!


G.F.G. Clan is recruiting for new members!

Who are we? We are a new clan thats focused around enabling its members to play how they want with like minded gamers! There are two sides to the clan. It’s competitive side and it’s more social casual side. This is broken down into the two types of members that are in the clan:

1.) The first is the type of person who wishes to participate in clan wars. If this is you then we will put you into a team of competitive members, where you will train together to build up that synergy and insure victory.

2.) The later is the type of person that wants to play more casually but also benefits from the social side of being in a clan.

It’s your choice and you have the freedom to switch between the two as you wish.

Clan Rules Banter is always encouraged but there are some social etiquette rules which help uphold a friendly environment. Any of the below will not be tolerated, and failure to comply will result in being kicked: – No racism – No homophobia – Don't shout and scream over one another. – Must act mature and respect others

What is the clan working towards? The plan is to increase the clan roster to 100 members and build it as a community. We want the community to grow beyond it’s call of duty roster, so that members can be part of the GFG hub across different games knowing that they have mates they can play with.

We also want to grow the clans competitive side but the way in which we approach this will be decided and dictated by GFG members.

How can you join? All we ask from you is that you are mature, play regularly and respect others. We encourage you to play with all the other members, and always invite one another to games and parties.

Other requirements: – Must have a mic and must use it. We only want social members. – Must actively play games, especially COD Advanced Warfare. – Play for the win, play for the objective and play as a team. We don’t care for K/D campers. – Must invite GFG members to games and parties. – You must change your gamertag so you're repping GFG.

If you're happy with these terms then send me a message via the Xbox gamertags: GFGSyndicate or GFGYharet . In your message please provide the following details:

– Age? – K/D Ratio? – Where your from, Eg: Country followed by a City or State? – Which forum did you find the clan on?

A concise clan induction will then be arranged for you which will likely take place around 8.00pm GMT. This will recap over what's expected from you, the clan focus, clan rules and gives you the chance to ask any questions and vocalize any suggestions or ideas that you may have. After all this is your clan!

Looking forward to hearing from you. Any questions just ask!

GFGSyndicate & GFGYharet PS: don’t forget to add me as well via my Xbox gamer tag: GFGSyndicate & GFGYharet

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