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Ground war is unplayable


Due to the whole cross platform craze going around, consoles have been getting squashed. PC has numerous advantages compared to us console players and its unfair. And even with the ability to turn it off, you will never find a match. I've sat for a whole hour just tryin to find a console game with no hackers and you just can't. Ground war is the biggest issue. It was my favorite game mode at first now it's filled with hackers and PC players who no life the game to the point of I looks like they are hackers.

I'm sure I'll get plenty o people saying "just get a computer". Well some people can't afford it or prefer Xbox.
Honestly, I thing cross platform with PC need to die with this game. It was Activision's worst idea ever and it has cause over 2/3 of the player base to overall quit playing the game.

PC is a some pretty garbage and toxic community I you ask me.
Due to the whole cross platform craze going around, consoles have been getting squashed. PC has numerous advantages compared to us console players and its unfair. And even with the ability to turn it off, you will never find a match. I've sat for a whole hour just tryin to find a console game with no hackers and you just can't. Ground war is the biggest issue. It was my favorite game mode at first now it's filled with hackers and PC players who no life the game to the point of I looks like they are hackers.

I'm sure I'll get plenty o people saying "just get a computer". Well some people can't afford it or prefer Xbox.
Honestly, I thing cross platform with PC need to die with this game. It was Activision's worst idea ever and it has cause over 2/3 of the player base to overall quit playing the game.

PC is a some pretty garbage and toxic community I you ask me.
There are hackers in every CoD game before cross-play was enabled. A bunch of people have different mods to give them the advantage in Black Ops 4 and WW2. You will mostly see cheaters shooting semi-autos at speeds that's not humanly possible and some have no recoil and aim assist buffs.

I do not agree with you about PC players having an advantage. They may have better movement but most players camp anyways so it doesn't really matter. Also, Console players have aim assist.

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