• Greetings, Devil Dog! Welcome to the Call of Duty Forums. It looks like you're looking forward to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, but haven't created an account yet. Why not take a minute to register for your own free account now? As a member you get free access to all of our forums and posts plus the ability to post your own messages, communicate directly with other members and much more.

Hello killers


I'm corey aka krazEkid. I play on the xbox one and will be picking up cod advanced warfare in 30 minutes.


Great to have you here, @krazEkid! Be sure to grab yourself an avatar!

Planning to play all night? Anxious to get my hands on my copy, but I have to work tomorrow!


I got work tomorrow too. I'll probably just play a couple hours, well see. I'm sure when I get back on tomorrow there will already be lvl 40 players still going hard lol


Haha, no doubt. I'm kind of glad that I work tomorrow though. Will make it much more enjoyable to play the game in spurts, rather than burn out on it like I have in previous years.


Oh for sure. I'm too old to burn out like I did back in the day. I used to play world at War for 12 hours a day.. Not anymore. Let's hope I can be some competition for the ranks haha

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