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Interview with the owner of CODForums, Carlos


Kaos Ambassador

Interview by Source7k​

Q: So Carlos, what made you want to buy Codforums.com?

A: I've always been a fan of Call of Duty since COD4. So, when I was at a similar site, I thought "I want my own Call of Duty Forum."

Q: Have you liked where codforums.com has gone since you took over?

A: Initially, it started a little slow, mostly because the tools that were available to us - were out of date. vBulletin was heading in different direction than it's predecessors that I was bummed out by the results. I was happy when I converted to xenForo finally. I had already owned websites with xenForo installed, and I was excited to bring xenForo to codforums.com

It picked up activity a few months after the transition. I kept it on stock skin so that the users would get accustomed to it. Results were good. But it went back to a slow pace because Call of Duty was getting boring for some. I whipped up a new skin. Everything took off from there.

Now, it seems like the calm before the storm.

Q: Seeing how Call of Duty: Ghosts is just around the corner will codforums.com be seeing any major updates?

A: We just had that "update." It's now mobile capable, it's now quicker, it's now smoother. We'll add a few small cosmetic changes to the site after CODGhosts is launched.

And I'm still working on the update. I'm a perfectionist, so this isn't near done.

Q: With codforums.com reaching a 4K member milestone, do you plan on hosting any giveaways or community events?

A: There will be a contest very soon. I'm just trying to find the right area to bring attention to the contest.

Q: Did you ever anticipate codforums.com would grow so much?

A: Yes, and no. I have seen other like-minded Call of Duty websites grow to 14 to 20 thousand members per niche "game site." The biggest one that I've seen is hovering around 120,000 members. I'd love to have a community that large. I'd love to have an active community where people come together, share ideas for Call of Duty, talk to each other, and whatnot. I'd love to have a friendly community where members are respected and not trolled into a corner for no reason.

No, because the whole experience of building a community is new to me, and still is. Like I said, I want to reach a level where fans come and post without being attacked for one reason or the other. I learn, and I continue to learn even though I don't like a lot of things - like being told to "change."

I'm not perfect by any stretch and I strive to improve on a day to day basis, and week to week basis. It takes time to build a community with 4 thousand members.

Q: With "Call of Duty: Ghosts" right around the corner Activision/COD released a NEW clan system, what made you want to sign up Codforums.com?

A: I'm still a fan of Call of Duty even though it may be getting a little stale for some. I like what I'm seeing with Call of Duty Ghosts - In fact, some of the maps remind me of MW2.

Q: Do you think having Codforums.com on Ghosts new clan system will bring more people to the website?

A: I've experimented with using "CarlosX360" as a clan on MW3, but the clan system wasn't as fleshed out as I'd like it to be. But because CODGhosts is unifying the clan system across all consoles - that holds real opportunities for expansion and whatnot. I want to be able to get more exposure to the site through clans, I'm not exactly sure how the system will work yet.

However, IT DOES look positive because the clan system gives you a chance to "spell out" your name, a motto, and a bio.

Q: A lot of members seem to be wanting a ranking system. you have answered that it is in the works but how close or far is codforums.com from seeing a ranking system implemented?

A: I'm already in talks with a graphics designer to get these ready to ship in the upcoming week. :)

Carlos: I'm excited to meet new people, and I'm excited to play with new folks on CODForums.com Don't be shy and introduce yourself!

KaosTrap: Thanks for your time Carlos! I am sure the Codforums.com community and myself will see you on Ghosts!


Interesting interview, even though it's a bit old by now, maybe have it more prominent?

Always good to see admins who care :D

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