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Is Advanced Warfare the next big eSports title?

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Every November, gamers ask the same question: Is the new Call of Duty going to be eSports friendly? The answer for Ghosts was a resounding NO. It's arguably one of the worst Call of Duty titles in a long time when it comes to competitive play.

With just weeks to go till launch and multiple public events this time round to showcase Advanced Warfare, do you think that it is going to be a hit with the eSports / Competitive Community?

Let us know YES or NO and include your reason(s) for your choice.
If there were any CoD games I should have tried to play competitively, then it should have been MW3 and BO2. Ghosts was terrible for competitive gaming and for general multiplayer alike. However, I'd definitely consider Advanced Warfare a pretty strong title for eSports. We're going to find out soon enough!


In my opinion BO2 was the best game competitive wise. Everyone really enjoyed it because it was existing to watch, especially hardpoint or domination. Ghosts tried to emulate Hardpoint by bringing dropzone back from MW3. Ghosts was so bad even some pros made rant videos on it (cough Nade cough)


No way, CoD competitive is like Smash competitive. If people really want a competitive FPS they should be playing CSGO or TF2.


I think they are. With basically league play, it shows that they are giving the competitive community their attention. They also have been attending competitive events.

Also the way the game is setup will require more skill. I think competitive is going to be really fun to watch.


I think it is time for CoD to be on the eSports map. It would be nice to see how players around the world will play against each other on a big stage.
I have a friend from South Korea, and he tells me that the COD/AW has been beta tested for competitive play in Seoul and it went over quite well. eSports are huge in Korea, as you probably already know. If they approve it's probably going to be a hit.


CoD:AW is the number 1 selling game, yet the least played CoD to date. CoD stills sells better compared to other games. Activision can hide the fact it sold 2+ million down compared to Black Ops 2, which in turn was millions+ down to MW3,


Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare might be a great eSports title but I guess it is a little early to say if it would be the next MW2 or the next Ghosts. I think it will be a great competitive game, but remember the Halo scene is coming back strong with the Master Chief Collection coming out on November 11th, that is worth watching though.


Doubt it, call of duty has never been a big "esports" game.

There's already an established FPS as well, which is CS:GO. Consoles has never been a big thing either with controllers.
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