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PSN Looking for a black ops 3 clan (ps4)

Hey all :) i'm looking for a clan for black ops 3 my k/d is 2.49 and i play mostly hardcore, i'm from the uk, very friendly and i have a mic, i'm happy to play competitively or socially would greatly appreciate a message regarding a clan! :)


Hi I have recently made a COD clan and need players. We play almost all COD's and I think we need a player like you. My PSN: ksilva1243

The clans name is P4CK (Pack)

We are really interested in having you join our clan and would appreciate it. Please respond as soon as possible



Hi I'm from the UK also and play Black Ops 3. I average around a 2.7 KD.
I'll be online in about 2 - 3 weeks from now as waiting for wifi. I'd like to play competitive also.
Add me for now PSN: londonOnDaTrak

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