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Multi Looking for active clan wars players!


Hi! I started a clan about a year ago and am having trouble getting active players. We have some good members who will grind cw but not enough to win many nodes right now. I remove people who don't contribute each week. The level requirement to join is currently 60, if anyone is looking for a clan pls join us while we build up this clan! The clan is called MAJESTICPRIDE we are a level 10, Master IV clan. There is no application needed to join :)

EDIT: I have dropped the level requirement to 40.


Hey man. I'm from Portugal and I really like CoD. I played WWII but was very young, MW19 I started playing better, then skipped BO CW and Vanguard and now returned for MWII. I have a 1.07 k/d, that I think would be 1.1 if I hadn't been grinding for camos lately, and I'm looking for some casual fun clan battles.


Hey you're welcome to join us! I probably should have specified that it's on codm is that what you play? If so pls join


Damn I'm sorry, I don't even know if I posted this in the right forum or how to edit it. Thanks for your interest tho, happy playing!

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