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PSN Looking for UK Modern Warfare clan/group


30 y/o male from the UK here. Predominantly play Modern Warfare hardcore modes (TDM & DOM) and getting tired with the lack of teamwork / strategy in public lobbies.

looking for a casual/competitive clan or group for regular games.



We have both UK and US based squads within Tactical Gaming. Check us out and see if we are a fit for you.

Looking for a clan/community? TG was created in November 2004 to bring together like-minded gamers from around the globe and from multiple platforms (XBOX, PS, PC ), to provide them Head Quarters (web site) where they can share their backgrounds, experience, and interests in teamwork and tactics. With our Warfare and Adventures franchises, we have thousands of active members. If you wish to become a member, simply visit our site and register at TacticalGaming.net


30 y/o male from the UK here. Predominantly play Modern Warfare hardcore modes (TDM & DOM) and getting tired with the lack of teamwork / strategy in public lobbies.

looking for a casual/competitive clan or group for regular games.
Here’s my discord, if your interested just join up, and send us a message. Look forward to hearing from you


Hey dude, 30m from England. Drop me a PM and I’ll add you. Also trying to find a clan, was part of another group but they were too strict


30 y/o male from the UK here. Predominantly play Modern Warfare hardcore modes (TDM & DOM) and getting tired with the lack of teamwork / strategy in public lobbies.

looking for a casual/competitive clan or group for regular games.
Hi 45 Yo Male here. Play Warzone on the Ps5 . Mainly looking for some Warzone gaming but can play MP too. PSN is Evapor-8


30 y/o male from the UK here. Predominantly play Modern Warfare hardcore modes (TDM & DOM) and getting tired with the lack of teamwork / strategy in public lobbies.

looking for a casual/competitive clan or group for regular games.
Hi Jmrsdn - join a group of mature like-minded gamers at tacticalgaming.net

You can also join our discord as a guest here: https://discord.gg/SkBP2q2C

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