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Major Packet Loss on PS5


Hi All,

First post so please be kind :)

After completing the campaign I've now started to try the multiplayer but I running in to fairly significant packet loss, I'm based in the UK on FTTC broadband and its the first time I've seen this in a game for a very long time.

Every time an opposing player appears I'm getting 10-15% packet loss which is making the game unplayable from the lag it causes. My ping however remains steady at 40-50ms.

My broadboard is connected at 86091kbps down and 9253kbps up, with my modem saying my current rate down is 54944kbps and 9136kbps up.

Other than only being able to run on wireless due to my location in the house, I have tried everything I can find about the problem online without luck.
- Restarting router
- Turning QoS on
- Port forwarding
- Reducing FOV
- Disabling texture downloads.

Any ideas?


maybe try
Hi All,

First post so please be kind :)

After completing the campaign I've now started to try the multiplayer but I running in to fairly significant packet loss, I'm based in the UK on FTTC broadband and its the first time I've seen this in a game for a very long time.

Every time an opposing player appears I'm getting 10-15% packet loss which is making the game unplayable from the lag it causes. My ping however remains steady at 40-50ms.

My broadboard is connected at 86091kbps down and 9253kbps up, with my modem saying my current rate down is 54944kbps and 9136kbps up.

Other than only being able to run on wireless due to my location in the house, I have tried everything I can find about the problem online without luck.
- Restarting router
- Turning QoS on
- Port forwarding
- Reducing FOV
- Disabling texture downloads.

Any ideas?



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