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Mp7 <3333 Let Me know whats your favorite gun and why?

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Mine as you can tell is the mp7 or Acr both because the damage is pretty high and has basically no recoil. Mp7 also because its fire rate and impressive range. Acr well we all know that this is a great gun.


Mp7 is pretty beastly. I do like my silenced G36. I am a fan of the Mp9. Huge fan of the MSR... and I love me some M60. lol


For sure. I actually enjoy the HAMR scope on the MP7 with rapid fire too. What do you use on it?


I do like extended mags with a silencer too. Very useful for flanking a large group of enemies.
also i use the M4A1 and Cm901. These aren't guns people usually use but that just gives me an advantage of using something unexpected. Both guns i use Kick or Attachments with Silencer or Silencer and Extended Mags. Now that the Cm901 is patched nobody really uses it but its actually a pretty good gone.
ohh i see, but yeah me to but i always keep one class that if things don't go my way i just switch to it and have fun. Riot Shield with anything as secondary, any perks beside quickdraw and i use throwing knife.


Riot shield throwing knife is indeed hilarious. I like aa-12 with something akimbo behind it (mp9, fng, magnums) running scavenger, assassin, and steady aim for ultimate trolling. If you take off akimbos for a smaw or rpg... extra troll points. lol


lol rpg, nice . Add the g36 or m4a1 with a noob tube and you're golden.

Another good one is smoke grenades, launcher, and blast shield. Smoke the room go into the room shoot the room with a smaw or rpg... drop a nade and run away. lol


Staff member
lol going anti camping class with an RPG is hilarious!
I. Hate. You.

I had that earlier today on COD4. It infuriates me... I was on a fucking killstreak and I had someone like you kill that fun for me... Gah!

*Throws controller at $1,000 60inch TV.* :mad:
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