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Finally got the time to test out the mp beta yesterday. Nice sneak peek but not in awe of it. It is BETA so it was still a nice taste and peek at the game.

One thing I did notice while playing Search and Destroy is that one guy went about 18 kills and no deaths. He got me several times and the kill cam distinctly showed him finding me through walls and proceeding to either wait for me to kill me or he came at me. Nice to know that hacks will be something that we can look forward to Day 1.......


always hacks. maybe the last version i buy. its all the same just a little different but same ol thing. but i like it. i think zombies will be fun


Finally got the time to test out the mp beta yesterday. Nice sneak peek but not in awe of it. It is BETA so it was still a nice taste and peek at the game.

One thing I did notice while playing Search and Destroy is that one guy went about 18 kills and no deaths. He got me several times and the kill cam distinctly showed him finding me through walls and proceeding to either wait for me to kill me or he came at me. Nice to know that hacks will be something that we can look forward to Day 1.......
not sure about your situation but with head phones i can here them coming a mile away just wait for them to arrive kill them lol

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