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MWZ Reset by hacker?

So i was in a zombie match where i deployed solo. part way through suddenly i had a random player on my squad that i didnt invite. not only that my currency in the match was frozen at 7200. not only that the player was in no way playing in a team manner, and when i finally exfil, my contamination went from level 79, to 1. im fed up with activision. un9installing after battle pass and not getting anymore CoD titles by activision as they dont help. they punish players and reward hackers. they dont hire enough people to handle any customer service and PR, and on purpose. all they did for this money grab was package up a free to play title, slapped a #3 on it and sold it to scam its playerbase. Im not a fanboy and have no problem saying goodbye. id rather give EA my money rather than activision and i dont even like EA. in fact ive always found EA TO BE THE WORST. so that just shows where activision is now.

I was on ps5 btw. they were on xbox or pc using a controller.

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