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Objective Based Multiplayer Mode

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One thing I really want from the next CoD is a progression of the concept laid out in Black Ops II. Mulitplayer modes like deathmatch are a necessity. But objective based, team effort gaming is something the series really hasn't figured out yet. They moved in the right direction in BOII by assigning point values to actions taken, especially in domination mode (my mode of choice). But much of that progress was completely undermined by the fact that kills were still weighted heavier than defending/capturing objectives. In objective based game modes, it always devolves into death match unless you weight the objective properly. It seems obvious because you already have a deathmatch mode. Why not put the extra effort in and make something really spectacular next time?

Anyone else feel this way? What do you want to see from the online modes of the next title in the Call of Duty franchise?


I would definitely like to see some more objective-based gametypes that rely heavily on teamwork.

When I watch gameplays on YouTube and stuff, it seems that one really good player can dominate and not work at all with his team and the team will really just blow out the other team. I think it's just the way CoD plays. You can run into an enemies back and get 5 or 6 quick kills since it takes a short amount of time to kill people. If you look at a game like Halo, where it takes more time to kill somebody, you can't use these run and gun tactics...you really have to work with your team to ensure a victory and everybody has to be involved...not one person can take control.

I'm not sure how CoD can really evolve into a more objective-based game...giving more points has just made people want to play the objective more, but it hasn't made it into a team-based game.


I play with just that sort of guy. I am certainly not that good. I'm pretty mediocre, if not a bit of the crappy side when it comes to my performance in multiplayer. But he routinely finishes games with 50+ kills. Being on his team, the rest of us can get completely slaughtered and he'll still do amazingly. It's also frustrating because, when he's in a map, you just as often can't find anyone to kill because they're always dead or they rage quit.

I don't agree it's made people want to play the objective more, though. At least not in domination. The points are still weighted in favor of kills so you end up always getting people more concerned with their head count than keeping and holding the objective. It also has resulted in people simply ignoring the objective and playing deathmatch in the domination lobbies because they can get a few extra points if they just happen to be in the vacinity of people who actually want to play domination. This could easily be remedied by dramatically lowering the point value of kills and dramatically increasing the value of defending and capturing objectives.


Yeah man I agree with you, I'd love to see more objective gameplay. Maybe if they used some "Battlefield-esque" game modes, whereby you can't win by just killing the other team, you actually have to work together and you're rewarded for doing so. For example, in Battlefield 3, you get more points for capturing objectives then you would going solo and just killing the enemy team.

Maybe if you were penalised for not playing the objective? Something along those lines, if implemented properly, would really help objective games :) Just my personal opinion


I feel like people treat most team mode objectives as TDM with a timelimit. I really hate it when I'm playing a game and someone on my team says, "Don't cap" or "Let them cap" because they want to get kills. CoD has really slid in this regard and only niche gamemodes like Search and Destroy escape from this mentality. It's been brought up more than once in this thread, but the point favoring kills rather than objectives is what really causes this mentality. The player should be rewarded rather than feel like they are being gimped because they aren't always looking to shoot an enemy.


I feel like people treat most team mode objectives as TDM with a timelimit. I really hate it when I'm playing a game and someone on my team says, "Don't cap" or "Let them cap" because they want to get kills. CoD has really slid in this regard and only niche gamemodes like Search and Destroy escape from this mentality. It's been brought up more than once in this thread, but the point favoring kills rather than objectives is what really causes this mentality. The player should be rewarded rather than feel like they are being gimped because they aren't always looking to shoot an enemy.
Yeah exactly. Especially on S&D where the last guy alive kills himself to let the other team win, just because they or their friend is on a killstreak and they want to finish it. It's not fair on those of us who actually want to play properly.


Yeah exactly. Especially on S&D where the last guy alive kills himself to let the other team win, just because they or their friend is on a killstreak and they want to finish it. It's not fair on those of us who actually want to play properly.
I tend to disagree a little bit because the point of a game like domination is specifically to create fronts. Unless your team is just overwhelmingly dominating to the point the other team is ineffectual, you definitely want to maintain a front by leaving them a pole flag (a or c). If you don't have a team capable of completely massacring the enemy, they end up spawning all over the place when the whole map is dominated which then has defacto turned the game into just what you said you dislike: Team Death Match. What is the point of playing objective based games if you don't want to play against a front?


I have to agree with you on this one, I really like objective based games. I really hope they decide to put even more into it in the next game.


I agree also but the thing is you always end up with the people that never play objective and just play that gamemode for kills or points and they dont really play as a team just getting high kills.


Does anyone have any idea what kind of system they'd like to see promote this kind of behavior. Like I've said a few times before, I think the scorestreak idea, while broken, is a step in the right direction. Maybe make it so you can only get streak rewards in objective based modes by actually playing the objective. Totally x kills out. In that event though, I'd honestly like to see slightly larger maps to accomadate more objectives.


Implement what they did in MW2 into the next Call of Duty games which was Barebones. Barebones was GREAT. No killstreaks only kills. That's what made that game see where true skill lied.


Maybe an idea would be a more often rewarded point system.

For example, in domination, if you ran up to a point and started capping it, after every two to three seconds you receive +25, and then as more people get on the point you receive those points faster and then they all add up to the +200 we see now. Of course, the standard +200 per kill on point and what not, but what I think would be a good idea is more of a real-time point system.


More teamwork for sure. I'm seeing too much of single-player minded people playing on multiplayer, playing a game that revolves around the idea of multiplayer and teamwork (war).

I want more balance so that people tend to play together more.
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