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Pls help this newcomer


Hello there!

I started playing the other day and am not sure about some things.
When I level up weapons, is it possible that certain attachements I already unlocked are only available after I reach a certain overall level?

The list of unlocked items after a game disappears so quickly, I kind of loose account of them. I‘m sure it showed some EMP thing, but I‘cant see it. I‘m lvl 11 or so btw.
Also, is it possible to ‚mark‘ stickers or these blueprint thingies as seen. I think it‘s distracting as it always looks like there is something new, allthough I don‘t even have any stickers...
Does anybody buy season pass? Kinda expensive.

Hoping for some help.

I also thought I saw an ak-74 pop up?


Partially resolved :rolleyes:

Pressing R3 in loadouts marks everything as seen.

As to the other thing: Picking up weapons in game unlocks attachments for locked weapons^^


PC Gamer: Nearly Dangerous
What do you not know
lol.... that's funny.

Picking up weapons in game unlocks attachments for locked weapons^^

IIRC there are only 2 ways to unlock attachments for weapons, first there is use the weapon until it levels up high enough to get the unlock you want or two unlock a Blueprint for the weapon of choice with the desired attachment through challenges/missions etc...

I don't think I have ever unlocked an attachment by picking up and using someone else's weapon in game.

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