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Xbox Live recruiting for 2v2 tournaments/regiment


Hello Everyone! I am the leader of a clan called GGC (Guerrilla Gamers Clan). As this clan is fairly new i need to start recruiting to allow us to have a strong and skillfull clan. I am looking for Casual gamers, Feeders, objective slayers, TrickShotters, Editors, Content creators and Competitive Gamers (Also looking for players capable of taking higher roles such as LEADERS and CO-OWNERS)! For more info: Contact the gamertag: GGC LUCK CL or visit www.facebook.com/GuerrillaGamers or www.GuerrillaGamers.com


need a clan? want a gold clan tag? look no further. come join GGC. must be 16+ with a mic. contact the xbl gamertag: GGC LUCK CL


If your good let us know, we are a Top GB 50’s clan in 09 and 2014 we have 12 people we need 4 more we run tournaments and we also have a Top #100 player , Run league play every sunday we will be top seeded this year HMU xmundayxchevyx Or activision xxVe7Vom

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