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Spawning near the end of match has to stop!!

I’ve really had enough of this crap! I get put in nearly complete matches all the time and yes loss stat is prevented but what about kd? Does that not matter?

I got spawned just to be hit by an RPG again, respawn grenaded, respawn die etc. I don’t get chance to gather my bearings. So at the end of match l already died 8 times to my 2 kills in the matter of a few mins. Then l see there were only two people on my team!

Was there any need for all the rpg’s?

Does anybody know if the devs are gonna put a stop to joining game late?


I’ve really had enough of this crap! I get put in nearly complete matches all the time and yes loss stat is prevented but what about kd? Does that not matter?

I got spawned just to be hit by an RPG again, respawn grenaded, respawn die etc. I don’t get chance to gather my bearings. So at the end of match l already died 8 times to my 2 kills in the matter of a few mins. Then l see there were only two people on my team!

Was there any need for all the rpg’s?

Does anybody know if the devs are gonna put a stop to joining game late?

I agree that is why some of my friends don't play the public servers any more. I started playing the Dedicated Server of Capture The Flag. We are tired of joining games that are 3 vs. 6 and joining a game on the last 2 mins of a game it sucks. We have more fun playing the dedicated server. All we play is Capture The Flag and what is nice we don't have to worry about having those damn Air Vehicles getting Spam Killed cuz we turned them off. Yes there are bots, but the AI used in this game is very impressive. They can be bad asses lol. The nice thing is if somebody joins the server the bots will leave the game.
So like you we got tired of that crap. The DS server is more fun than the public servers. Plus there are 24 new maps that are not played in the Capture The Flag mode. As far as joining late there is not much you can to about that. So I know this answer is not much help but I agree it sucks!

Side Note to the admin. Why can't I edit my post if I need to? Never been on a forum that you could not edit your own post? Just asking.
I miss d1 rumble where you and another guy would spawn at the same place and have a boxing match

Bad spawns are a Bungie trademark. Yesterday I was playing Halo 3 and some poor dude spawned in front of me while I was using a wraith

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