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Thank you for bringing back plunder trios


Plunder trio's is a waste of time in matchmaking, if you have 3 friends to play with I can see it being fun. But why did they remove Duo's?? At least you had a 50/50 chance of finding someone like minded. In 3's it is a total shirt show


Plunder trio's is a waste of time in matchmaking, if you have 3 friends to play with I can see it being fun. But why did they remove Duo's?? At least you had a 50/50 chance of finding someone like minded. In 3's it is a total shirt show
80% of my duo games resulted in me playing by myself mid match. Three other player would never wear a mic and they'd quit because things weren't going there way.


I could easily place top 10 even broke top 5 solo in duo's doing contracts and getting kills when hunted. Trio's is just not fun, is random chaos. I guess some people like that because they don't have any skill.


I could easily place top 10 even broke top 5 solo in duo's doing contracts and getting kills when hunted. Trio's is just not fun, is random chaos. I guess some people like that because they don't have any skill.
See, now I thought duos was complete chaos. To many teams going for the same bank. Which people loved to camp. If they added a few more banks in duos, that'd be cool.
Also the down system in duos was down right awful. Sometimes you get spawned near where you died. Other times you'd spawn on the other side of the map. Especially when you had a lot of money.

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