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PSN Truth Gaming - PS4 Sniper clan

Truthgaming.co.uk is a brand new sniper clan looking to recruit members on ps4 for casual game Battles and videos. We are also looking for members who can edit videos. Anyone who wishes to join please sign up on the site the message me or callum on the site
Hello! I am looking for a clan right now, especially a sniping clan but really it doesn't matter. I was good in sniping in BO3 where I basically had 1KD with both locus and SVG which is the snipers I used and I also had another account where I levels up to lvl55 with a 3KD so I was pretty good on BO3 when I played cause I've had a break now for almost 2 months maybe but I will get there again when I start grinding the new cod, so I asking if I can join and play with you?

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