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Turn off Aim assist for consoles or turn it down

just my opinion ... but keyboard and mouse is a lot more accurate and so much faster than aim assist. Plus with a mouse you have all those buttons there a lot better positioned than a controller


Of course the people benefitting most will be the 1st to deny or downplay this issue. When all you have to do in a game is push stick forward, click aim and before the action is even done squeeze trigger for instakill. Doesn't matter where you are initially aiming, aim assist will put the ADS on the head every time. This is how the streamers do the ads/shoot in 1/100th a second and do not need to even look down the scope. Just initiate the aim assist and fire. NO other game runs aim assist so high a PC players is at a disadvantage to a console.
so true. so to the point. but they have to sell the game to kids on consoles, so they say: please buy the game, we will give u nothing to do just aim and press fire. thank you! lol. Nowhere, is it specified for pc players (who pay the same ammount of money on the game) that they will play against other players (crossplatforms) that benefit an advantage over the PC. And that is not right! It s like pay to win, for them. My mind is blurred by the fact that streamers say they are skilled and use aim assist. Ofcourse, they all say: we have the thumbs to aim not the arm =)))) childish excuse lol


Game is done for me. I played pvp for 2 hours today and watched nonstop the cheaters literally jumping nonstop while shooting and the reticle never moved....100% pegged to the head. You cannot play against that and the idiots that are making this game are doing NOTHING to fix it. There is an AI anticheat video on youtube where they confirm 30% or more of every PLAYER is using a cheat...3 out of 10 are cheating which is on average 50% of the match in 6v6. How do they even think this is manageable? They game will die if it isnt already.
So I went into Zombies and wtf of a mess it is. Random disconnects, monsterous lag spikes that get you killed, perks randomly working, random people appearing as in your group but leave group function says you are solo, weapons not spawning in with what you equipped i.e renetti using smg conversion will not let you spawn in with a scope. Dying with tombstone only to go back in next round for it to be AFK...never spawns so bye bye all the loot you had.
Majority, at leat 50-60% of people get in a game, run to a tombstone, then run right to a portal and leave so its 3 or 4 people playing all ignoring everyone else.



Game is done for me. I played pvp for 2 hours today and watched nonstop the cheaters literally jumping nonstop while shooting and the reticle never moved....100% pegged to the head. You cannot play against that and the idiots that are making this game are doing NOTHING to fix it. There is an AI anticheat video on youtube where they confirm 30% or more of every PLAYER is using a cheat...3 out of 10 are cheating which is on average 50% of the match in 6v6. How do they even think this is manageable? They game will die if it isnt already.
So I went into Zombies and wtf of a mess it is. Random disconnects, monsterous lag spikes that get you killed, perks randomly working, random people appearing as in your group but leave group function says you are solo, weapons not spawning in with what you equipped i.e renetti using smg conversion will not let you spawn in with a scope. Dying with tombstone only to go back in next round for it to be AFK...never spawns so bye bye all the loot you had.
Majority, at leat 50-60% of people get in a game, run to a tombstone, then run right to a portal and leave so its 3 or 4 people playing all ignoring everyone else.

They don t care about cheaters or overpowerd aim assist. they give it, dor the cash on the game. it s like pay to win. and keep in mind that controlers (which already have aim assist) can be connected to a cronus zen which is not detectabler and give them even more aim assist). very sad maganement of the business.

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