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Multi vVv Gaming - eSports Community Rebuild

vVv Winniee

vVv Gaming Community Rebuild

Welcome to vVv Gaming!

vVv Gaming is a community for all players to gain skills and have fun doing it! As gamers, playing games together is one of the core elements of vVv. We hold many events, these include are community game nights, streamer viewing parties, tournament events and even party game nights!We believe in everyone gaining essential information from our community on how to learn and improve your game and have fun doing it. Look out for our next community game night! Perhaps enjoy sessions with our current and ex-pro gamers giving you tips on how to play certain game types, guns, callouts, modes and spots.

vVv Gaming will bring you entertainment to take your gaming to the next level while having fun!

If you think you and your team can help us rekindle that old flame and get us back to the top, please message me.
We are looking to guide some teams and get them involved again in the competitive online circuit.

If you want to talk more, add us on Discord and we can walk you through our vision.




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