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Warzone WarZone issues..

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Full gripe session here! There are some seriously lopsided shit on WarZone. How can a player hide behind those stupid effin shields and take a RPG/C4 to the face or at the feet and just keep walking forward and then kill you with ramming into you??. This is absolute horse shit! And is there a jumping hack I don't know about? Why are players leaping 6+ feet in the air and literally jumping over players while evading getting shot?? Dragon Breath needs. to. be. nerfed!! One shot in the 'general' direction and you are instantly down?? Keeeehmon, that is just plain unskilled, bullshit playing. When did they add Matrix wall running too? Guy running down the hall, then jumps on the wall and takes 4+ steps before leaping off the wall behind me and get shot in the back? There are many reasons why I love Battlefield better than COD. COD never caught my interest, it was always a hoaky ass game but WarZone got me hooked and it is just a cluster fuck of glitches and issues. After every update, shit stops working, constantly getting kicked during mid game, massive cheating with aimbots, getting shot through walls, or while laying prone underneath a solid metal staircase in the Quarry, or hidden behind metal dumpsters DT - buggy AF!
Yes there are the pussy ass cheaters That think there good. So sick of people like this. The paper plate armor is JUNK. I live longer in multiplayer than warzone. RPG are shit can't even kill a dude wearing full plates.( trust me i hit the guy) Only took his plates off at 25 feet or so away from me Turned at me and shot me 3 times i died. Warzone is Junk. although i still play it. Just have to expect to go up against them pussy ass hackers and over come the stupid hit detection.
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