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What Were They Thinking!!???


The Equalizer
Once again.. Not wanting to open a can o' worms, but I just HAVE to comment on the stoopidity of Anheuser Busch...

Ignoring all the politico/ideological baggage, this is simply STOOPID marketing brought to unheard of heights..

If your clientele is 95% redneck, where is the LOGIC in pushing your line of products towards the excessive woke BS of transgenders??

If 95% of your customers are blue-collar good ole' boys, on what PLANET is it good marketing to hook up with some effeminate dood who likes to dress up and pretend he is a little girl??

Surely the BETTER marketing strategy would be to market your seltzer line of foo-foo drinks to the gender-bending crowd, eh??

This decision has GOT to be one of the most moronic ad campaign decisions in the HISTORY of moronic decisions...

I read that Bud Light has lost over 6 billion dollars in stock value since this decision.. Well, no shit!!


OK I feel better now... Thanx for your indulgence... :D

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