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Warzone Why would you remove trios again? Just why??

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Most people seem to prefer trios, so why would you remove that mode? Just why?? It has the perfect balance! I love warzone but I can't play quads, I honestly hate that game mode so much I can't even play it anymore. The comeback mechanic in quads are non-existant. If you solo queue and loose 2 in the squad in an early fight they always leave instantly because it takes to long to get the money to buy both back. And if you do you are so far behind it is almost impossible to comeback. Not to mention it is almost impossble to have a grp of 4 without headset to play well together. It is actually a night and day difference compared to trios. I can't play this game anymore but I really want to. And don't give me that BS about just get some friends to play with. That won't solve the big issues with quads.


I think solo,duo,trio and quad should ALWAYS be available. Some nights you have one friend on and some nights you have 2 or 3 so why not just leave the option there?? Seems very stupid to me and shouldn't be an issue to do.
Made an account on these forums just to bump this. My whole house plays and we loved trios and quads. We will all most definitely stop playing with out trios and quads plunder, we don't enjoy Battle Royale.
I think solo,duo,trio and quad should ALWAYS be available. Some nights you have one friend on and some nights you have 2 or 3 so why not just leave the option there?? Seems very stupid to me and shouldn't be an issue to do.
If three people can't take on a squad of 4, I'd suggest you get your mummy to give you a hug...


If three people can't take on a squad of 4, I'd suggest you get your mummy to give you a hug...
I don't think anyone said anything about not being able to take on squad of 4. It's just not logical to not have all options available. Since you're such a pro I guess you play quads by yourself?


Not sure why we bumped this thread but...

I think solo,duo,trio and quad should ALWAYS be available. Some nights you have one friend on and some nights you have 2 or 3 so why not just leave the option there?? Seems very stupid to me and shouldn't be an issue to do.

Too many filters to queue for segregates the player base. Separate queues for Solo/Duo/Trio/Quad for Warzone/Classic/Plunder with/without Crossplay and possibly across several maps? Once the initial hype of this game dies down and the playerbase normalizes, with that much segregation between queues you start running in the problems Pubg is having where they had to add bots because it takes too long to fill games.'

What they should do is a rotating queue. One day have Solo/Trios in Warzone and Duos/Quads for Plunder, then the next day swap them. That way everyone is happy and it encourages teams to flip between both Warzone and Plunder day by day. Don't have separate queus for Classic/Crossplay/Maps, this way we keep as many people queueing together as possible.

If three people can't take on a squad of 4, I'd suggest you get your mummy to give you a hug...

Uh okay bub. Guess you're super amazing at this game and you've been picked up by a pro team or something? Lmao. For 95% of the playerbase, being down a player is a severe handicap. Less combined hp, fewer eyes scanning for enemies, less guns to do damage with. There is a reason it's harder to get a W solo queuing into Quads than in Solos.
Nah I'm rubbish. But my friends and I play this game for fun so if we get killed we laugh and start again. And it's not that hard to win 3 v 4
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