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Warzone WTF!!! Level Set To ZERO???

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The Equalizer
Last night my "points" or "level" or whatever was up to 54...

I wake up this morning and log in and my level is 2...

Was there a global reset last night???
Please fix the following
1. Automatic mounting esp from sides.
2. Gun should not automatically reload once out of bullets.
3. Camera lock when coming down peaks and downearr angles.
4. Allow other players to see ammunition available from other players depending what type of weapon the player has out.
5. Take out GOD MODE!!! nerf damage to 10% when it comes to melee
NEVER good id3a to create a close range weapon with 1 shot kill with op range. That being said, ESP do not let it be dual wielding. Perfect example is the stupid shotgun. Whoevers idea this was.. please slap yourself.
6. Fix parachuting. You should be able to parachute whenever you want regardless if ita effective or not. Also fix when jumping off side of mountain, you should still be able to pull your chute! Died countless times because of that(actually for all my complaints)!!!
Besides the bugs, I think these major game chang3s need to happen to continue to grow your fan base.
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