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Does anyone still play this? Please tell me you do.

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Do any of you still play World at War? I think this was the best Call of Duty game ever released, even better than CoD 4 and MW2, in my opinion. The story was great and it introduced Nazi Zombies to us, did it not? This game is something I enjoyed a lot, especially playing Nazi Zombies co-op with my buddy. This was a memorable gaming experience for me. Does anyone still play this?


I played zombies at the beginning of the year. I guess I was going through a Zombies phase, playing all the CoD games with Zombies. It was fun, but I was only playing solo as my friends who played it with don't play anymore. It's only so-so without friends though.


Well, I loved playing the zombies and I'd still play them, if only my friend would want to. He's playing the newer Call of Duty games and he doesn't want to play the old ones. Even, tho, I think this was better than any newer CoD. It was so much better, and they should do a new WW2 CoD with zombies, as well. Imagine World at War on a newer engine, that would be amazing.
I still play this with friends sometimes, but very rarely, as most of them have jumped ship from Call of Duty to other first person shooter games. In spite of that, I still get them to join me for a few games of zombies or for a bit of multiplayer! It's amazing how well this game holds even today.


To be honest I played that game to death when it first came out and its definitely up there as one of, if not THE best Call of duty's of all time.

As other games have come out though I have to admit I haven't played it for quite a while now. I even forgot I still had it up untill I saw this thread!


I agree that this is best CoD game, but then again, I'm a huge history buff so this might have something to do with that. I don't play anymore, but I remember having a tricked out PC and playing on a huge TV while my friends watched. Like what all those youtubers are doing these days, only live.


I still play it occasionally with my close friends for the zombies. I find that the game has aged well, and would agree with anyone's opinion on saying that it's the best game in the franchise. It was the last game to date to have the World War 2 setting, and I wouldn't mind if the CoD games went back to that particular setting. I find as the games are getting a bit too flashy and confusing with all the new mechanics they keep adding. Only good thing they keep bringing back to the recent iterations of CoD is zombies. Who doesn't like zombies after all, it's even more fun with friends.
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