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Getting Multiplayer Trophies For World At War, Black ops 1, And Black ops 2.

With the revival of the old cod servers I like to platinum some of the older cods before it becomes impossible namely world at war, black ops 1, and black ops 2. I know black ops 2 has the league trophy which servers were shut down for but it looks like they brought them back online as I was playing it on xbox and was able to matchmake with other players.

Anyway, the trophies I need for black ops 1 are Date Night which is too watch a flim with a friend, and In The Money which is to finish top 3 in 5 wager matches. I also wouldn't mind having a group of people to do the zombie easter eggs with.

If anyone is willing to help me my PSN account is CaptainWoeful77. I greatly appreciate it.


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