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DMZ WTF Is He Saying???

Just now, during a successful exfil after doing a contract and never even getting downed, it tells me my survival streak ended....

That's 8 successful exfils and it says my survival stream ended.


Fallen Angel
Watching a toober the other day he exfil'd and it told him he dropped one of his items and had to go back for it.. He got out it told him successful exfil and he still had the item. He was a little miffed upon hearing the announcement but quickly went PHEW when he checked his inventory..
/shrug.. bugs be trippin yo..


I did an ExFil under fire and I was successful... Then I got a voice telling me I dropped something and have to redeploy..

Can anyone make this out???

View: https://youtu.be/MANZFE8wd8U

"Ultra-One, you lost your xxxxxxxxxxx. Redeploy and secure another one"
After a successful exfil, mine says " Ultra-one, youve lost your exfil streak, redeploy to secure another one" I've always been confused as to why when it was successful lol


Fallen Angel
So I have now done two "successful" exfils, only thing is my new understanding is unless you complete a mission it is not "successful"

Least that is how it was explained to me

Then again I am a NOOB and have only been in DMZ maybe 5 or 6 times with making the choppa 2 times in a row now.

Messed up thing is I did complete one mission the 2nd to last time in I did the cash box or whatever one and made the 10k and got out... effers did not credit me that.


So I have now done two "successful" exfils, only thing is my new understanding is unless you complete a mission it is not "successful"

Least that is how it was explained to me
Makes sense I guess, just confusing cause the exfil counter still goes up, giving the perks haha


Fallen Angel
Ok So my noob ass got all brave and went in solo last night. 1st go round I think I accidently went to a building I meant to go around well I killed enough people it sent waves of people at me.. Ugh I back peddled and went thru an area I had cleared only to find it repopulated.. Awesome.. now Im low on ammo.. and plates.. UGh I kill those folks by dropping my gun and grabbing another off a bot I killed. Get these level 1 guys all down and check the map for an exfil cause all of my 20 minutes so far has just been survival NOT actual mission stuff. I find the xfil and approach it cautiously and trigger the chopper upon finding no one there. PHEW well this caused some level 3 bots to spawn and nearly kill me with my no ammo gun and low ammo sniper weapon. also No plates.. But I exfil. PHEW.
2nd time in not so lucky my spawn site was better as I had next to no bots near my spot. make it to my task and go to take the vehicle nope triggered seven guys whom beat my sorry ass unmercifully. So yeah what little work I had done is gone now.

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