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Recent content by CAG CheechDogg

  1. CAG CheechDogg

    Turmoil at Treyarch?

    Really sucks how things are turning out with COD ... I can't even play any of the new COD games just because there is nothing in them like the good ole CODs like Modern Warfare, MW2 which I just found out is backwards compatible lol and Black Ops 1 ... I don't even read about COD anymore and...
  2. CAG CheechDogg

    Modern Warfare 2 Revival Club

    LOL ! Well I just found out that this game is backwards compatible on XBOX 1 ... I started a club with the name Modern Warfare 2 Revival .... this game in my opinion is the best COD game ever ...I am really shocked that there is no one playing this game online ... I got 2 players about an hour...
  3. CAG CheechDogg


    We are recruiting for BLACK OPS 4 and specially for Blackout ! Come check us out or add me on XBL, my GT is CAG CheechDogg, you can also add the following to get information about joining. CAG ToxicBob CAG Lucifer748 CAG StewieShotU Tosya89...
  4. CAG CheechDogg

    Xbox Live NoVaX Clan recruitment (Xbox One WW2)

    What's your website ....
  5. CAG CheechDogg

    PSN In search of clan.

    Too bad you aren't on xbox one ... but good luck finding the right clan ...so many to choose from ...
  6. CAG CheechDogg

    PSN Looking to start a clan or join one

    Hey well good luck my Man ... thanks for letting us know ...
  7. CAG CheechDogg

    PSN Looking to start a clan or join one

    Why don't you check our site out ... I need someone that wants to lead for us on PS4 ... let me know if you are interested and I can give you the tools you need ...
  8. CAG CheechDogg


    Still recruiting ... with the new maps now out we want to see players who are looking for a clan to be a part of. If you want to join a clan that you can just game with and not worry about immaturity, daily or weekly meetings then come check us out.
  9. CAG CheechDogg


    Still recruiting and looking for Leaders ... I am also looking for small clans that are looking to merge into an already well established clan. Upon joining CAG, Leaders of their clans will enter the clan as Officers holding the rank of Generals and be designated as Co-Leaders and the right to...
  10. CAG CheechDogg

    Xbox Live Looking for Xbox clan

    I forgot about that ...
  11. CAG CheechDogg

    Xbox Live Looking for Xbox clan

    It's in my sig at the bottom LOL ... www.CAGCLAN.com ...
  12. CAG CheechDogg

    Xbox Live Looking for Xbox clan

    Again like I have posted in other's threads ... if you want to find a "GOOD" clan you have to do some work too .. visit our website and check us out ... you can also message me on xbox live ... I won't be running after anyone to join our clan but I will make you feel welcomed when you ask to...
  13. CAG CheechDogg

    Xbox Live i need a clan

    Lol .. you don't have to thumb through forums but most clans will expect you to be active in some way or another ... If you want mature gamers on your team check us out ... either visit our website or send me a message on xbox live ... my gamertag is in my sig below ...
  14. CAG CheechDogg

    Xbox Live WW2 Clan

    Most clans are not going to search for "YOU". If you want to join a clan you are going to have to be the one showing the interest and show some initiative ... Look I am looking for players who want to play with a clan but not just to be in a clan but play as a "TEAM" ... come by our website and...
  15. CAG CheechDogg

    Xbox Live In Search of Clan for Competitive Play

    Come check us out ... I only play a few times a week myself and I would like a group that can also do the same and not mind wanting to learn ... click on the link below ...