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Turmoil at Treyarch?

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With rumors going around that the 2020 title will be a (relatively) rushed Black Ops 5, supposedly due to Sledgehammer and Raven having a breakdown in their collaboration and Treyarch swooping in to finish the game, this is leading to a great deal of concern regarding how QA testers and developers are being treated and the matter of crunch time, especially when plans are revised so late down the path. Some testers reached out to Kotaku to make their side of the story heard: https://kotaku.com/the-human-cost-of-call-of-duty-black-ops-4-1835859016


Staff member
With rumors going around that the 2020 title will be a (relatively) rushed Black Ops 5, supposedly due to Sledgehammer and Raven having a breakdown in their collaboration and Treyarch swooping in to finish the game, this is leading to a great deal of concern regarding how QA testers and developers are being treated and the matter of crunch time, especially when plans are revised so late down the path. Some testers reached out to Kotaku to make their side of the story heard: https://kotaku.com/the-human-cost-of-call-of-duty-black-ops-4-1835859016
I know about this, but I have a few reasons for not posting on this site or the DestroyRepeat blog. One of them is that this site is based around Call of Duty, yes, but I don't want to be the site that damages Activision's bottom line. Jason doesn't realize that he's hurting Call of Duty with these articles. In fact, they [Activision/Treyarch] e-mailed devs about this and obviously, the e-mail signals to me that they want to outcast Kotaku. I didn't buy CODForums to destroy Call of Duty, I bought it because I love the games, but the issue is that they make stupid mistakes. BO4 was the low point. I'm sorry, Activision, but that's my opinion. I wish Call of Duty go back to how Modern Warfare made me feel about Call of Duty.

I don't mind the DLC.
I don't mind the microtrasactions, as long as I know what I'm getting.
I don't mind the monetization strategies they've employed except the lootboxes which meant that I am buying "surprise" tranactions (You see what I did there, EA? You see what I did there!?)

I really hope that "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" is a return to form for Call of Duty. Show me the passion, Activision. Show me you care! SHOW ME THAT YOU REALLY WANT THIS TO BE A GREAT GAME!

If not, and the moment that Call of Duty dies to the same financial downturn seen with Tony Hawk skater series experienced, I will not only close this site, I will merge it into another one of my sites, and I will redirect CODForums.com there.
Really sucks how things are turning out with COD ... I can't even play any of the new COD games just because there is nothing in them like the good ole CODs like Modern Warfare, MW2 which I just found out is backwards compatible lol and Black Ops 1 ...

I don't even read about COD anymore and honestly I don't even have any desire to play COD anymore ..
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